Manchester Bootcamp 2023
So what did they get up to?
The aim of this week was for our Brainees to mingle with a mix of mentors and understand the many different careers within the industry to see where they fit into development, from inception to completion🏗🤝
We wanted our students to conceptualise the buzz of working on a mega project, so we set them a task of redesigning Capital&Centric's Weir Mill in Stockport. And boy, did Capital&Centric get a run for their money!
On Friday, our students went head to head, battling to see which team had worked together to produce the best vision for the development. This would intimidate even the best of us, but our Brainees took it in their stride and nailed it. Their ideas were jam-packed with creative flair, initiative and inclusion.
Our week ended on a really uplifting note and left us all - Brainees, Ambassadors and Mentors alike - feeling inspired about the property industry's future. We've got bucketloads of talent ready to put their stamp on our towns and cities and the world will be a better place for it 🌎💪
What careers did they hear about?
The Brainees had a head-to-toe rundown of the industry and really got to grips with the massive array of careers that await them.
Some of our fave industry big hitters rolled through and delved into the ins and outs of job roles that our Brainees hadn't even heard of before. Hot topics included Ecology, Urban Planning, Geological Engineering and Skateboarding Consultancy, so get ready for an influx of interested applicants from our group 🛹🌋
The focus wasn't just on the technical side of things though, we also shed light on how important it is not to get swept up solely in status and money when exploring what they want to do in the future.
Brainees learnt how important it is that they find something that makes them want to get up in the morning. Combining your passion with your profession is absolutely achievable, you just have to think outside the box. Just like former Brainee Toby proved when he held a session all about how he achieved his dream job designing skate-friendly cities 🛼 🌟
We really wanted to drive home to our Brainees that through sheer hard work and being open to new opportunities available through Regeneration Brainery, all of the careers we heard about are well within their grasp. All they need to do is put their all into it 👊
Student Spotlight.
“I’ve had the most amazing week. 1000% recommend Regeneration Brainery for anybody in education wanting a career in the property industry. It has definitely helped me decide my future, I know exactly where I’m going now.”
Charlie is currently studying a Building Services course at Trafford College. His consistent, positive, can-do attitude and kind presence was clear from Day 1. He worked so well with his teammates, and supported every single Brainee when they needed it. Always focused, learning, and chipping away at the tasks that were set, his natural ability and drive really shone through.
The future for Charlie is looking very promising. His ultimate career goal is to become a Quantity Surveyor but he's open to exploring many different paths. We've already got the wheels in motion to line up work experience for Charlie, and we've connected him with some hot-shot industry leaders. We can't wait to watch his career shape over the next few years, we know he's going to do big things.