Become a Brainee.

Join us for a fun week of getting under the skin of property and kick starting your dream career.

We’re on the lookout for the brightest young minds to learn the ropes and take the regeneration industry by storm to create our future towns and cities. Along with learning about the industry and visiting awesome regeneration projects, you will be able to network and connect with industry leaders. Who knows, maybe you'll be their boss one day!

We’ll sort you out with proper work experience, help you with your CV and applications, and nab you invites to the hottest industry events.

It’s completely free and it’ll look mega on your CV.

All you need to know.

What our Brainees say.

Regeneration Brainery is for everyone, but we give priority to those who:

  • Have been eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years

  • Have no parental history of Higher Education

  • Are from an ethnic minority background

  • Have experience of Local Authority care and/or estranged from family

  • Have caring responsibilities

  • Have refugee or asylum seeker status

Want Regeneration Brainery to come to your school, college or university?